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That so respected a Publisher as. Alfred A Knopf should have pro- ffered this book for sale must be deeply regretted. The United  Most of this may sound pretty repellent, so it is well worth bearing in mind that it comprises some 5% misunderstanding and 95% terminological inexactitude. I find them an utterly useless waste of space. A better suited name for this would' ve been Terminological Inexactitude Without the Lemons XD. Helpful?

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Used to describe something that is completely wrong; a lie. ( humorous euphemism) NOTE: most rumors can be considered terminogical inexactitudes. Origin: First used by Weinstein Churchill in a speech in 1906. other words for terminological inexactitude. best seller.

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A Modern Utopia The Terminological Inexactitude Humor. Aspen Khan, really goddamn messed up when she told her best friend that she had sex with a college guy, even thought she didn't, and now her terminological inexactitude has been a talk to in the school.

Terminological inexactitude

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'Autotomy': a terminological inexactitude. Wilkie IC, Dolan S, Lewis J, Blake DR. The Terminological Inexactitude Humor Aspen Khan, really goddamn messed up when she told her best friend that she had sex with a college guy, even thought she didn't, and now her terminological inexactitude has been a talk to in the school. The accelerated velocity of terminological inexactitude. OpenSubtitles2018.v3.

The conditions of the Transvaal ordinance … cannot in the opinion of His Majesty’s Government be classified as slavery; at least, that word in its full sense could not be applied without a risk of terminological inexactitude. — Winston Churchill, as Under-Secretary for the Colonies, Commons speech, 22 February 1906 Find terminological inexactitude synonyms list of more than 37 words on Pasttenses thesaurus. It conatins accurate other and similar related words for terminological inexactitude in English. "If we publicize ourselves properly, then it's pretty much guaranteed," Teru explained. "Because of the accelerated velocity of terminological inexactitude." On instinct, Mob grimaced.
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Terminological inexactitude

A fabricated narrative. The tendency to be untruthful. Noun. . A fabricated narrative.

‘As with Lord Scott's deliberations, much hinged on the interpretation of words and the meanings of phrases, for the higher reaches of government are a rarefied world of sophistries and terminological inexactitudes.’. ‘This terminological inexactitude is unlikely to be accidental on the part of Ha'aretz.’. ‘And please, Santa, make sure 2018-01-26 terminological inexactitude. Contexts.
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If names be not correct, That's not a lie, it's a terminological inexactitude. Alexander Haig. noun, plural ter·mi·nol·o·gies. the system of terms belonging or peculiar to a science, art, or specialized subject; nomenclature: the terminology of botany  Oct 26, 2019 “That's not a lie, it's a terminological inexactitude.” Alexander Haig, Ronald Reagan's secretary of state, 1983. 5.

Hur att uttala terminological inexactitude

Also, a tactical misrepresentation." Author: Haig Quotes Category: Lies And Lying Quotes. "As of now, I am in  Mr President, I should like to correct a minor inexactitude in what Mr Watson has just said. Winston Churchill used the phrase 'terminological inexactitudes'.

Today, it is used as a euphemism or circumlocution meaning a lie or untruth. Churchill first used the phrase during the 1906 election. terminological inexactitude views 2,651,840 updated Oct 28 2020 terminological inexactitude a humorous euphemism for a lie, first used by Winston Churchill in a Commons speech in 1906. The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable Used to describe something that is completely wrong; a lie. ( humorous euphemism) NOTE: most rumors can be considered terminogical inexactitudes.