View real- time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview. Get the latest Oriola Oyj Class A (OKDAV) real-time quote, historical performance , charts, and other financial information to help you make more informed trading  Mar 26, 2021 Does the March share price for Oriola Oyj ( HEL:OKDBV ) reflect what it's really worth? Today, we will estimate the Oriola Oyj ORIOLA CORPORATION B ORD SHS. ×. ADVFN StocksADVFNFREE - In Google Play. VIEW  Stockopedia rates Oriola Oyj as a Balanced Contrarian .

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Oriola-konserni (Oriola Oyj) Orionintie 5, FI-02200 Espoo, Finland P.O.Box 8, FI-02101 Espoo, Finland Tel. +358 10 429 99 Fax +358 10 429 4300 Köp aktier i Oriola Oyj A - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage. Oriola Oyj, formerly known as Oriola-KD Corporation Oyj, is a Finland-based company active in the pharmaceutical sector. The Company is engaged in the retail and wholesale of pharmaceuticals, acting as a channel between pharmaceutical manufacturers and consumers, primarily in Finland and Sweden. Stock analysis for Oriola Oyj (OKDBV:Helsinki) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Oriola Oyj on perustettu vuonna 2006.

Invoicing increased by 0.9% (increased 6.4%) to EUR 2,778.3 (2,754.2) million. Oriola Oyj työnantajana. Yhtiön toimialana on lääkkeiden ja muiden terveydenhuoltoon kuuluvien tuotteiden kauppa ja välittäminen sekä muu terveydenhuoltoalaan liittyvä tai siihen verrattava liiketoiminta. Yhtiö voi omistaa ja hallita kiinteistöjä ja arvopapereita sekä muita rahoitusinstrumentteja sekä käydä niillä kauppaa.

Oriola oyj

The Company is engaged in the retail and wholesale of pharmaceuticals, acting as a channel between pharmaceutical manufacturers and consumers, primarily in Finland and Sweden. Oriola Oyj, formerly known as Oriola-KD Corporation Oyj, is a Finland-based company active in the pharmaceutical sector. The Company is engaged in the retail and wholesale of pharmaceuticals, acting as a channel between pharm aceutical manufacturers and consumers, primarily in Finland and Sweden. The Company's reporting segments are Consumer, Services, and Healthcare.

Oriola Corporation will publish its interim report 1 January-31 March 2019 on Friday, 26 April 2019 at approximately 3.00 p.m. Oriola Corporation will organize a meeting for investors, analysts and the press on Friday, 26 April 2019 at 4.00 p.m. at Hotel Scandic Simonkenttä, meeting room Mansku, Simonkatu 9, 00100 Helsinki, Finland. Yritys: Oriola Oyj, Espoo - Katso yhteystiedot, taloustiedot sekä uutiset maksutta Taloussanomien yritystietopalvelusta. ORIOLA-KD OYJ,502069-7875 - På allabolag.se hittar du , Status, adress mm för ORIOLA-KD OYJ 2 dagar sedan · Oriola Oyj:n osavuosikatsaus 1.1.-31.3.2021 08:30 Kemira Oyj:n tammi-maaliskuun 2021 osavuosikatsaus: Hyvä alku vuodelle - vahva kannattavuus 08:30 Incap Corporation: Incap Group’s Business Review for January–March 2021: A strong start for the year 08:30 2 Mkt Cap indicates the market value of the selected share series admitted to trading on Nasdaq Nordic.
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Oriola oyj

Oriola Oyj is located in ESPOO, Uusimaa, Finland and is part of the Drug Wholesalers Industry. Oriola Oyj has 64 employees at this location and generates $1.90 billion in sales (USD). There are 358 companies in the Oriola Oyj corporate family. Disclaimer. Oriola Oyj published this content on 27 April 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein.

The Company is engaged in the retail and wholesale of pharmaceuticals, Oriola Oyj, formerly known as Oriola-KD Corporation Oyj, is a Finland-based company active in the pharmaceutical sector. The Company is engaged in the retail and wholesale of pharmaceuticals, Oriola Oyj. 04/27/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/26/2021 23:36. Oriola Corporation Interim report January 1– March 31, 2021. Oriola Oyj, formerly known as Oriola-KD Corporation Oyj, is a Finland-based company active in the pharmaceutical sector.
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Tiedot perustuvat yhtiön viimeisimpään tilinpäätökseen vuodelta 2019. 2017-09-30 · Oriola Corporation invests in Swedish online medical center Doktor.se Fri, May 04, 2018 11:30 CET. Oriola Corporation has invested in Swedish online medical center Doktor.se. Oriola has subscribed for shares in Doktor.se giving it an ownership of approximately 17% of the total number of shares in Doktor.se.

Dibināts 2006. gadā, atdaloties no Orion. Galvenais birojs atrodas Espo. Uzņēmums darbojas Somijā, Zviedrijā, Baltijas valstīs un Krievijā. Oriola-KD Oyj akcijas tiek kotētas Helsinku biržā kopš 2006. gada 3. jūlija.

Oriola Corporation stock exchange release 27 April 2021 Oriola-konserni (Oriola Oyj) Orionintie 5, FI-02200 Espoo, Finland. P.O.Box 8, FI-02101 Espoo, Finland.